Thursday 8 September 2011

Meet This Sunday Evening

Lots of appetite for the Alley Cat, so thank you to everyone that has been sending the link round. People that have got in touch by email so far I have given the homework task of thinking up clues and good destinations to include on the ride - so keep on thinking those up (without telling your friends in case they end up riding!)

Next key thing: Come to a fun meeting/chat about this thing at the Leftbank Centre Bar this Sunday (11 Sept) at 7.45PM! We'll discuss what we want the ride to be like; assign jobs for people to do ahead of the race (and think about how many people we'll need on checkpoints); and then if you can stick around we can get crafty making the treasure and the medals and whatnot. There's a spoken word night happening a bit later on featuring the smoothest hard hitting rhymer in the west, FLOWen, so if you stick around for that it'll all be good.

Other info re Sunday's meeting:
-There is no door charge
-Leftbank is at 128 Cheltenham Road, Montpelier, BS6 5RW
-If you can think about bringing some crafty stuff with you - nice pens, cardboard, stuff to collage scissors etc but no worries if not I'll make sure we've got something to do with our hands

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