Tuesday 6 September 2011

Who Wants to Help?

To coincide with Bristol Cycle Festival we are going to do an alley cat. This means that we will rush around Bristol following clues to get from checkpoint to checkpoint, picking up treasure on the way.

So let's get it organised! If you want to help out then the following jobs need doing:
-clues invented
-checkpoints wo/manned
-treasure/medals created
-publicity done - leaflets, posters, internet promotion
-anything else you can think of that'd be good

If you can help out then please email me and include your phone number if that's possible [timhinson@gmail.com]. Ta. I'll get together a real life meet up soon too so we can get it all sorted in a sociable fun way.

Otherwise see yous all on Saturday 24th Sept at 3pm in Queens Square!

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